Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey - Submitting Liquidation Claims
(Posted on 05/24/17)
An order of Liquidation was filed on February 3, 2017 for Health Republic of NJ. As part of the liquidation process, all former providers, members, and other creditors will have the opportunity to submit claims if they have a loss. Form letters have been sent out to solicit claims. Here are a few important notes to understand:

All parties having an interest in the liquidation of HRINJ (previous members, subscribers, policyholders, providers that have previously submitted claims, vendors, and others) were mailed Proof of Loss forms directly from the insolvency office for Health Republic on or before March 1, 2017. All Claims must be post marked by 8/2/2017 to be considered. If you do not receive a Proof of Loss form, you may contact the insolvency office for Health Republic on or after March 1, 2017, at: 800-982-8347 or [email protected].

We have provided links to references from the state for additional information.

For more information, please contact [email protected]
